Be your own hero


published on 15-05-2024

We live in a world where we want instant gratification. We’re not willing to put in the hard work now, to get rewarded later on.

Social media has not helped us at all in this matter. Everywhere we turn, we see how happy and successful everyone is. I learned early on to not compare myself to what I saw on social media because it doesn’t tell the whole story. For example, I know couples that appear to be perfect on social media, but are completely different in person.

Instead I choose to detach myself as much as possible from social media in order to try to concentrate on myself. I saw a video with Mathew McConaughey, where he was asked “Who is your hero?”, and he replied “My hero is me, 10 years from now”. The reality is you may never get to meet your hero, but you must always aspire to be him. All you can do is try to do better than you did yesterday, that is it.

There is a famous quote by Bob Dylan which I love:

“He who is not busy being born is busy dying”.

This is such an important message to keep working on yourself. We all learn in different ways and with discipline your time will come. You will become the person you want to be.

The thing that separates winners from the rest of us is they keep going. Instead of quitting when times get tough, they don’t stop until they reach their goal. David Goggins is a great example of someone who did not have the best start in life, but one day decided that he would be responsible for his destiny. Since then he has achieved great things because of this mindset. The moment you stop blaming external factors, and start being accountable for your actions, you are on the road to success.

This happens to a lot of traders, they think they can start trading and make money without putting in the work. This is the wrong mentality. You can ask the coaches to give you signals, but that is not helpful. You need to understand the markets and how to trade them for yourself. There is a quote that I love that embodies this perfectly:

“You can give a man a fish and he will feed his family for a day, teach him how to fish and he will feed his family for a lifetime”.

We all had that friend in school who barely paid attention but always got better exam results than you. Life is not fair, get used to it. The same theory applies to trading. It's very important that we stick to a simple and effective formula, formulate a plan, and follow the plan.

Denzel Washington also mentions the importance of chasing your dreams, but he also forewarns of the danger of dreaming without planning:

“Dream big but remember that dreams without goals are just dreams and ultimately they fuel disappointment”.

A teacher once said something to me that will stay with me for life, don't go through life wondering “what if”, take risks but have a plan.

With time and discipline, and with the help of the Chart Champions team, you will reap the fruits of your labour.

PS: It will not be given to you, you must earn it. Be your own hero.

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